
  • Do you have to be 'churchy'?
    Not entirely sure, but probably the best outcome is not to have anything to do with religion itself.DRJA Dewar

    That may be your personal conclusion, but not a suitable position for representatives of the CCCBR to take.
  • Do you have to be 'churchy'?
    'The church would have few if any ringers or musicians for its goings on if only churchy people were allowed.DRJA Dewar

    The last two recruits to our band came from the congregation, so I think this is somewhat of an oversimplification.
  • Do you have to be 'churchy'?
    Also available on this Facebook page: BBC Breakfast bells
  • Acknowledging Long Service in territorial Associations/Guilds/Societies
    Surrey Association has the following rule for peal ringing:

    “ A peal can be recognised as having been rung for the Association provided that the majority of the band are members of the Association (eg. on 8 bells 5 ringers must be members allowing for a maximum of 3 non-members to be in the band) and the composition meets the standard accepted by the CCCBR.”

    I think this was framed specifically to allow ‘visitors’ to ring without having to join the association.

    Surrey does have an Honorary Life Membership (30 years) which is except from the annual subscription.

    Surrey Association rules (if anyone is interested) :)
  • Peal ringing decline
    One despairs. If there is not the quest for advanced methods (used in practice through peals, and, crucially way from bells at all, i.e. construction, etc.) then how can the activity be properly sustained as a living art? Peals are the melting pot and the draw for advances.

    In my present location, there is, it seems, nothing more than occasional quarter peals (of mainly <= 7). Quarter peals have always felt to me to be over before they have begun - and do not, in general, provide the aspiring ringer to enhance their striking, for example. Nothing to sustain the mind there - and even less to wish to attend a practice night with even lower standards.

    Whilst I have been away from ringing it seems that there have been several augmentations to 12 or more. That is a stirring thought - but the level of local ringing seems totally to ignore the possibilities of advancement (in methods and in performance). 'Leaders' in these places appear utterly to be incapable of seizing the possibility of seeding aspiration in their bands - even if they themselves have a sense of such aspiration. A chasm appears to exist. Perhaps there is a line of demarcation between crashing about in 'practices' and more adequately demanding ringing. (Coupled to thiis is the deleterious effect of too much non-ringing in practices: ages spent sitting around doing nothing.)

    [Personally, I've been thinking, recently, of resuming ringing - but it seems there would be no point.]
    DRJA Dewar

    Unless you resume ringing, there isn’t a chance to practice what you preach. Maybe there is local tower/guild/association that is crying out for someone with your skills?

    However, try to be kind to us lesser ringers who are trying to claw their way up :)
  • President's Blog #75
    Do you think that most of the general population would consider a church/religious connection to be positive and something that attracts them to ringing?Tristan Lockheart

    Given that the vast majority of bells hang in church towers, it seems to me that most people would suspect there is some connection between church bell ringing and the church (of England). Trying to pretend otherwise might be seen as being a bit shifty.

    There seems to be a need to define church bell ringing as either a secular activity or a religious one. It's my understanding that neither is exclusively the case, it is both.
  • President's Blog #75
    Christianity, or more specifically, the church, is an increasingly unattractive, or even toxic, brand.Tristan Lockheart

    Not the most inclusive turn of phrase I've heard used. I thought church bell ringing was for those with a faith as well as those without.
  • Do you have to be 'churchy'?
    In defence, it is very difficult to think on your feet when being interviewed on live radio. You spend the next few hours wishing you had used slightly different words, or making an additional point in a particularly clever way, but you don't get a chance to go back and edit it!Simon Linford

    No defence needed, it was an excellent interview. I found the question badly worded, I can’t imagine anyone being asked if you need to be ‘islamicy’ to take part in an activity.
  • Peal ringing decline
    I think of peal ringing as like playing test cricket, a long term test of technique, concentration and skill. Not for everyone though.

    I have tried ringing a peal, it fell over after an hour and ten minutes, but I’m game for another just ‘because it’s there’.
  • Don’t waste my time (RW article)
    I’d suggest that maybe there isn’t a one size fits all solution, especially when the objective is different to different people.

    What isn’t a solution is failing to recruit at all times and all places. I explained the basics of change ringing to the tower’s latest ringer in a tea break during a church cleanup.
  • Diversity
    awesome! Hope she sticks with it :-)Jason Carter

    Me too :smile:

    She's threatening to bring half her class along to learn (the optimism of youth), which caused the tower captain to blanche and suggest she bring a few special friends :wink:
  • Diversity
    this was probably where I was coming from...but if I am being honest, I am not sure I have ever rung in 29 years with anyone who is not white...Jason Carter

    One of my home tower's two latest recruits is of mixed race, under 10 and she asked the tower captain if she could learn herself. Oh, and came from the congregation.

    Publicise what you do (and keep doing it) and they will come! Recruitment never stops.
  • Survey of Ringing 1988
    It seems to me that a fundamental mistake is made regarding the ‘powers’ of the CCCBR. It can only research the situation, phrase the questions, motivate action and suggest some solutions, it cannot impose anything.

    The CCCBR is supposed to reflect the wishes of the members (organisations or individuals), not the other way around.
  • Paid Posts
    As was said on this thread of another, if one of your early hires is a professional fundraiser it might be self fulfilling.Simon Linford

    If a paid fundraiser can't raise their own costs, it's time to get a different paid fundraiser.
  • Communications (Internal)
    The Editor was reluctant to see it promoted via the Ringing World because of the potential impact on the Letters page. So it is really for others to try and promote it to the members of their associations?Simon Linford

    If the Ringing World was smart, these would be the 'Ringing World Forums'. It's similar to any of the national newspapers refusing to go online because it would affect their printed circulations.
  • Communications (Internal)
    ↪A J Barnfield 229 registered users as of nowAdmin

    I wonder how many of the 229 registered users have ever posted?

    I've pointed Surrey Facebook users towards these forums a couple of times, but there hasn't been much apparent interest. Why that is I could only speculate. Perhaps another question for the survey? :smile:
  • Who has a Social Media Officer?
    The G and B has a strict "no social media policy". However we have unofficial social media streams that two of us control from outside the organisation.Simon Ridley

    Can I ask why please?