• Alan C
    Congratulations to Simon on his appearance on Radio 5 Live Breakfast show today [15 Feb], a positive, informative message given.

    On a point of fine tuning, could I suggest that the response to the question 'do you have to be churchy' is to say that ringing welcomes everyone, including those with and those without a faith.
  • John Harrison
    without knowing what he actually said its hard to assess that comment.
  • J Martin Rushton
    What time was he on? I'm not going to listen to 3 hours of R5 just to find it!
  • Simon Linford
    On a point of fine tuningAlan C

    In defence, it is very difficult to think on your feet when being interviewed on live radio. You spend the next few hours wishing you had used slightly different words, or making an additional point in a particularly clever way, but you don't get a chance to go back and edit it!
  • Alan C
    In defence, it is very difficult to think on your feet when being interviewed on live radio. You spend the next few hours wishing you had used slightly different words, or making an additional point in a particularly clever way, but you don't get a chance to go back and edit it!Simon Linford

    No defence needed, it was an excellent interview. I found the question badly worded, I can’t imagine anyone being asked if you need to be ‘islamicy’ to take part in an activity.
  • John Harrison
    you don't get a chance to go back and edit itSimon Linford

    But they can't edit it either to twist what you said. Kate Flavell was once interviewed during the Olympics and the broadcast version was selectively edited to suit the 'story' - that the CC was being negative by not telling all ringers to go out early in the morning and ring for 3 minutes as part of a so-called work of art - cutting out the positive things she said about what we were doing. I did a an interview around the same time, with the interviewer pushing the same line and me pushing back, but it was live so they couldn't edit it (and after I went off air one of the presenters said he thought he agreed with me).
  • Frank Cranmer
    "Ringing welcomes everyone, including those with and those without a faith." Ringers certainly do, but does the Church? As a firmly non-Anglican, Quaker agnostic who rings on Sunday mornings, I do feel rather guilty as I creep out of the door after we've finished ringing. I suspect I may not be alone in that.
  • Rosalind Martin
    " I do feel rather guilty as I creep out of the door after we've finished ringing. I suspect I may not be alone in that."

    The trick is to rush off to the next tower. Once you have notched up 2 Sunday rings, the guilt evaporates beautifully.
  • J Martin Rushton
    What is worse: meeting the vicar rushing down the path towards the church as you "escape". He often has a service at one of the other churches and before ours. I get a cheery greeting as I head off!:gasp:
  • Simon Linford
    In the old days at West Ham, the days when on Sunday evenings pubs didn't open until 7, the bellringers dutifuly went to the first half hour of Evensong, sitting in the few by the door next to the radiator.
  • Steve Pilfold
    A weird thing happened this morning; I very rarely turn the TV on in the morning, but I was having breakfast before an early dentist appointment and just popped it on for the news.

    Within 30 seconds they were doing a thing about bell ringing and lo and behold Mr Linford appeared!

    Apparently the link is only live for a day... get it now whilst stocks last!

    BBC Breakfast 1 hour 53 mins in
  • Alan C
    Also available on this Facebook page: BBC Breakfast bells
  • J Martin Rushton
    BBC Radio 4 6 o'clock news also had an item at 26:00 minutes in.
  • DRJA Dewar
    'The church would have few if any ringers or musicians for its goings on if only churchy people were allowed. I remember, a large number of years ago, the cathedral organist of an RC cathedral always rushing off for a cigarette or several once the sermon started (a verger, or similar, would alert him once it seemed the flow of words was about to dry up). For me, having spent many years in church music, and having started with some very slight semblance of going along with their faith, have now none at all. Mercifully, as far as church music is concerned I have for the pas few years run the music at a place which has no clergy, but entirely BCP and fitting music with an entirely auditioned choir. There are no sermons.
  • Alan C
    'The church would have few if any ringers or musicians for its goings on if only churchy people were allowed.DRJA Dewar

    The last two recruits to our band came from the congregation, so I think this is somewhat of an oversimplification.
  • DRJA Dewar
    Not entirely sure, but probably the best outcome is not to have anything to do with religion itself.
  • Alan C
    Not entirely sure, but probably the best outcome is not to have anything to do with religion itself.DRJA Dewar

    That may be your personal conclusion, but not a suitable position for representatives of the CCCBR to take.
  • Tristan Lockheart
    'The church would have few if any ringers or musicians for its goings on if only churchy people were allowed.
    — DRJA Dewar

    The last two recruits to our band came from the congregation, so I think this is somewhat of an oversimplification.
    Alan C

    Perhaps, but not excessively so. If, say post-1975, the church banned non-Christians from ringing, I suspect little or no method ringing would exist now, and call changes would also be limited. It's not just a question of the church membership status of the individual ringer; it is a question of those who taught and mentored, rang with them, cast, hung, funded and maintained their bells too.
  • J Martin Rushton
    Don't fall into the trap of thinking Christians = Anglicans! I've seen a Methodist minister quite happily ringing in an Anglican church. For that matter Christians = members is also a tad suspect.
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