Funding target and direct membership I hadn't heard of the "Network for Ringing Training" before, — John de Overa
How quickly things fade into history!
When I became chairman of the CC Education Committee in 2000 I inherited the plan to insitute an 'Instructors Guild', which had quite a bit of support but a lot of vehement opposition. Aftyer a while I concluded that we couldn't make it fly but was determined to replace it with something to be launcehd at Ringing RoadShow. NRT was very successful, exchanging ideas and holding conferences. It ran for eight yhears but the support infrastructure was on a shoestring and by the time I had got that sorted out it had lost momentum, I was no longer chairman and my successor never got it going again.
At the time we set it up I predicted that whereas we had failed to create the Instructors Guild top-down if we could sustain the interest with NRT then an instructors Guild would emerge bottom-up. ITTS (which preceded ART) appeared ten years after that prediction.
Sometime I should find the time to write it up.