I don't think we should downplay the seriousness of the problems ringing faces in some areas just because it's not universal. — John de Overa
On the other hand if I go to a simulator practice the content is pretty certain to be advertised in advance and I can decide if it's right for me. — John de Overa
Have we forgotten what happened with recruiting for the Millennium?I think it's great that ringing for the Coronation is being promoted, but ... how many are going to get beyond Rs&CCs? ....otherwise we aren't going to fix the current problems, we are just going to produce another tranche of ringers with the same issues that we already have, — John de Overa
I either read about or was taught the things you listed, but it still took time to develop the skills - but at least I knew what I was aiming fo — John de Overa
That's more or less what happens - and it has two flaws.Basic handling ... is essentially a once-only process ... is mostly taught one-on-one; ...When it comes to methods ...it is more the tower or the group that does the teaching. — David Smith
there's a huge void between PB5 and Surprise, — John de Overa
Has anyone done any research on what ringers wan — Alan C
I'd be interested to hear thoughts on how such people could be identified? — John de Overa
we tend to see ringing, and all its important facets, from our own point of view, which often can be somewhat blinkered.. — Phillip George
Mind you I have been assuming that the marketing will be aimed at non-ringers. If the marketing is to be aimed at guilds, associations, tower captains and ringers in general and if the aim is to get a total shift in the way most think about T&D then I can very much see the point — A J Barnfield
Wasn't it much easier in the 'good old days' — Nick Cronin
don't suppose anyone wants to perform badly, but why people ring is their own business and their motives are not subject to the a — Alan C
If bands perform badly, that reflects on their ability rather than their motivation — Alan C
What do you want to achieve in ringing? — Phillip George