2. That no ringer should hit a barrier to their own progression
If a ringer wants to progress, they should always be able to find a pathway that helps them, although it will probably not just be at their own tower.
After practising assiduously on the tower sim for the last fortnight I had a couple of goes at Bristol at the weekend. It wasn't great but did get better on each attempt - but that required a three hour round trip and I probably won't get another chance to do any more 8 bell ringing until autumn. I'm aware of a couple of 8-bell practices in the region but they are for people who are already good 8 bell ringers and want to ring spliced, QPs etc. I haven't found anything that's suitable for people wanting to step up to Major, so I've reluctantly decided to abandon 8 bell ringing as where I am it's no longer a realistic option if you can't already ring at that level. — John de Overa
Have you considered trying to organise a practice in the region for those in a similar situation to you? — Alan C
I have, it's not a practical option, unfortunately - there are just too few ringers who want to step up to Major, and too few inclined who are to support them. — John de Overa
it does vary hugely geographically as to when you hit a barrier of not having enough ringers at a similar level wanting to make similar progress. — Lucy Chandhial
Maybe there is one ringer near you who could persuade the band of elite ringers to host a supported practice for up and coming ringers even just four times a year? — Lucy Chandhial
One very small but helpful step that CC has already achieved has been to get the new North West residential course going, and one of the topics this course offers is "6 to 8", covering part of what you mention. — David Smith
I also wonder why your local association is not offering anything to help. — David Smith
This is the very situation that the Cast of 1000 had hoped to address. — David Kirkcaldy
After attending a course the student needs to return to an environment where he/she can build on and consolidate what’s been learnt. — John Harrison
if you have done no surprise, you can't really rock up to a local surprise minor practice and ask to join in - there's just too much to learn — David Smith
But the bottom line is that, if what you need is not available in your area, try to find some like-minded ringers and make it happen! — David Smith
There's no practically-accessible Major sessions in this area of my home association (Derby), most of the nearest towers are in Chester/Yorkshire/Lancashire. — John de Overa
it does vary hugely geographically as to when you hit a barrier of not having enough ringers at a similar level wanting to make similar progress.
— Lucy Chandhial
I agree, from what I've seen the situation is much better in some other areas. From what I've been told, things have not been good here (Greater Manchester) for many decades, — John de Overa
The intent behind Ringing 2030 is laudable, the apparently glacial rate or progress is not. Time is running out. — John de Overa
there are many ringers who spend more than 75% of their ringing time helping others to improve without being stretched or challenged themself. — Lucy Chandhial
If you are starting to look at Bristol, then you are already a lot more advanced than the vast majority of ringers, and that is fantastic. — Jason Carter
If you are in Derby, I find that hard to believe. There is nowhere in Nottingham or Leicester? — Jason Carter
experienced ringers like you need to 1. find their own high level ringing, and 2. help to pull up those below you, to be more experience than they currently are. We all need to take responsibility for helping those less experienced
than we are. Someone taught us once. — Jason Carter
Ringing 2030 is not going to solve everything overnight, but it is a movement that is trying to move in the right direction. Don't give up on it John and please try and support it. — Jason Carter
Improvements will not be achieved by dictate from the Central Council. — Paul Wotton
Approach the tower captains of the more advanced local practices — Paul Wotton
Work with any enthusiastic local ringers to explore pathways that may initially be far from the more complex surprise major methods — Paul Wotton
2. That no ringer should hit a barrier to their own progression
If a ringer wants to progress, they should always be able to find a pathway that helps them, although it will probably not just be at their own tower.
You need 6 or 7 strong ringers to support up to 4 learners for a good session of surprise major and that’s either expensive or asking a lot from strong ringers (especially if that includes over an hour of travel each way). — Lucy Chandhial
The Cast of 1000 aim showed that with all the best intentions it was not possible to organise on a volunteer basis so people joined online sessions but these never transferred to tower bell ringing. — Lucy Chandhial
I think we are a long way from providing paid coaching which can include a strong band for Yorkshire Surprise Major as that’s where the ratio gets difficult. You need 6 or 7 strong ringers to support up to 4 learners for a good session of surprise major — Lucy Chandhial
Those advancing to the higher levels in other activities expect to travel progressively greater distances from the village / town, to city, county / national level. They do not and should expect to find enough people with the time, interest and capability in their immediate locality. So why do ringers and ringing continue to expect anything different? — A M Hodge
Ringing Bristol Major would put you somewhere in the top 10-20% of ringers. Its not unreasonable to expect to have to travel to participate in an activity at that level. — Jonathan Frye
My local guild run a monthly surprise major practice. I don't go as the striking is generally terrible. IMO there is far too much emphasis on pushing on to ring more complex stuff, rather than ringing things well. — Andrea Haynes
A kind of heatmap of the point at which you need to travel more than one hour to reach a developmental practice at least once a month. — Lucy Chandhial
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