Keeping Churches Open Using data from Dove, excluding rings described as privately owned or owned by "Trusts" (such as the Lichfield Belfry) and looking at England and Wales only since other countries have different listing systems, this is the breakdown for rings of 3 and above:
Grade Unringable Ringable Grand Total
I 431 2827 3258
II* 401 2200 2601
II 132 798 930
None 3 74 77
Total 967 5899 6866
These figures include 117 (of the total of about 350) those in the care of the CCT - presumably the rest do not have rings of bells. These are 74 listed Grade I, 41 Grade II* and 2 Grade II. It strikes me that even a modest closure programme is likely to overwhelm the CCTs ability to deal with them without a serious change in their funding.