any strategy for supporting ongoing development should apply to all recent learners, gaining experience, wanting to ring more complex methods or to strike better (or to ring at more towers, etc) as age is not a defining factor then.
a little like the women in ringing focus you may need to be firmer that you do want to progress to avoid being pigeonholed as a happy, community minded ringer who will cover very well for the rest of their ringing career. — Lucy Chandhial
The general concept of being open minded about why people want to ring and how people want to develop (or not) could well be a Ringing 2030 theme as ringers can be put off by any external expectations, pushing them forward or holding them back, when it’s based on assumptions rather than individual wants and needs. — Lucy Chandhial
All I said was that it takes longer, which it does. — Simon Linford
Will they get to Cambridge? I don't know - some of them would certainly hope so. On the other hand, the young Brumdingers rang a course of cambridge minor last week with two 10 year olds in the band. — Simon Linford
I have been thinking for a while that something more like 3 ringers per bell is what you need to have a long term viable and self-sustaining band. One, it takes the pressure off ringers to absolutely be there every Sunday or no ringing will occur. With that pressure off, it is easier to welcome ringers who have young children/work shifts/ etc, rather than having them self-select to quit.
Also it gives you some contingency for when or if you lose a lot in one period of time.
I think it could make for a challenging practice night, in the category of good problems to have — Tina
We do handling instruction separate from practice night in one to one sessions and in practice it would be difficult to manage more than one or two at a time.we generally try and avoid more than 2 learners to 1 handling instructor as we don't have the resources to offer instruction outside of the practice nights. — Tristan Lockheart
We have an 11 year old who controls the bell beautifully, he's just starting to ring rounds. He started last May and if he sticks at it I'm sure will be an excellent ringer. We have a 62 year old who started in November and has almost caught up with him. — John de Overa
I do hope this comparison isn't suggesting that 62 is old! — Nigel Goodship
I do hope this comparison isn't suggesting that 62 is old!
— Nigel Goodship
I hope not, otherwise I am :lol:
But it seems to be commonly regarded as "too old" in the ringing world... — John de Overa
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