• The future of peal ringing
    we have a keen youngster whose solution is to organise peals and ask experienced ringers to ting in them.
  • The future of peal ringing
    established peals bands don't routinely give young ringers the opportunity to join them.Simon Linford

    Many established peal bands are retired ringers ringing peals during school hours, which makes it hard to include youngsters except during holidays.
  • Funding target and direct membership
    It's nice to see someone trying make constructive suggestions for 'how' to get to a DMO rather than the usual explanations of why it's difficult. I confess I didn't get very far with my attempt 10 years ago (link posted earlier) but as Peter points out things have changed since then, with the Council affiliation fee being (approximately) per ringer rather than per society.
    Multiple membership has always been one of the argumants against a per ringer payment but Peter's suggestion of members electing through which society to pay it would solve that. And the concomittent ability to opt out also provides a way to answer the other question thrown under the wheels of a DMO discussion, how many people would sign up.
    Doing both of those via affiliated societies would help to solve both problems, and as Peter says could be a first step along the way. With that done there would be a much firmer basis for considering more substantial increases (with the cost borne by willing ringers) and/or for moving to direct membership.
    One practical aspect of ringers making an elective payment via a society is that it would increase the admin of the main societies. (Some small specialist societies, whose members all belong to other societies, might find they didn't have to process any, but some probably would.)
    For the record my personal view is that if/when the Council moves to direct membership societies should be retained as 'corporate members', so their voice can be heard.
  • How many elephants do we have in the room?
    I am fairly sure that if our Church closed, then only a few of the band would go elsewhere to ring, they do it because it is local, and they enjoy it to a level ... predominately it is purely a hobby for the vast majority,Steve Farmer

    That puzzles me slightly. People who do things as a hobby are normally motivated by the activity itself, so I would expect them to look elsewhere if needed. If the response to closure of the local church would be just to give up that suggests limited interest in ringing itself, and doing it more as a duty or service to the church.
  • How many elephants do we have in the room?
    I've often had text I decided not to send, which just hung around. I found that deleting the text, including the text in square brackets seems to work.
    After you have posted though (plus the 10 minutes) I suspect all you can do is reply to yourself saying pleas ignore.
  • Is ART the answer to recruitment, training & retention? Expand ART carefully from NOW to deliver?
    I've never heard so much rubbish about call change ringingRobert Brown

    The words are used as shorthand for two different things. The Devon call change tradition of high standard, skilful ringing of call changes, raising and lowering is one of them. The other is the widespread use of call changes elsewhere by unskillful ringers, and the way they are taught
  • favouristism and experienced ringers
    letting people learn a difficult skill one wayJohn de Overa

    That's not quite true. Ringing is an activity that requires several skills to do well, but for which a smaller, different set of skills can be used to do in a limited way, not very well. The fault is not teaching the right skills in the first place.
  • The Division Bell
    that's what I assume. So is the stubble field within sight of it, or is that edited?
  • The Division Bell
    I've a feeling the question has been asked before but I can't remember the answer.

    Wikipedia credits Nick Mason with "drums, percussion, church bell" so presumably he rang it, though whether on location in a tower or a small one in the studio who knows.
    A probably easier question - Which cathedral is visible on the horizon?
  • Is ART the answer to recruitment, training & retention? Expand ART carefully from NOW to deliver?
    there definitely is a barrier to getting into method ringing at allSimon Linford

    Yes, several factors combine, the most fundamental of which is not about the methods themselves but the failure to develop the underlying skills on which method ringing relies. Sadly many people struggling to ring methods have already been allowed, and encouraged, to develop habits that make it hard to retrofit the missing skills.
  • Is ART the answer to recruitment, training & retention? Expand ART carefully from NOW to deliver?
    '2030' is the wrong year for something needed now! Assumes no need to do anything before an event in 2030Ken Webb

    I think that is a misguided comment. Ringing 2030 is not about what to do 'in' 2030 it is about things to achieve 'by' 2030 That is still quite close, and glevel of ambition things do need to be started 'now' (or in fact last year, which is when they actually started - there was a public session on it during the Council weekend last September).
  • Who Pays The Pound ?
    That seems a fair analysis. Voting members is probably close to the 'natural justice intent' of the rules. I suspect the rational for including (resident) members who are exempt from the sub in societies with an annual subscription was that they would be a tiny minority. I'm sure no society would include the unkown number of NRLRMs who are still alive and ringing.
  • Who Pays The Pound ?
    that's a lot of free memberships. It means YACR is losing £1920 per annum in subs already, and I assume the membership is getting older so the subscription income will reduce further in future.
  • Who Pays The Pound ?
    in Yorkshire, Life Members who are not required to pay an annual subscription.... If either of these categories are included in the counts of membership, then the effect of the current proposals - the extra cost per paying-member is even greater than the 20p to 40p or 20p to £1 multipliers.PeterScott

    If you have a significant number of life members the fact that they don't pay the £12 sub seems a much bigger problem than whether the society pays a (much smaller) affiliation fee for them.

    Many years ago ODG realised that giving free membership to members over 65 was not sustainable as the membership ages so we abolished it. All members now pay the same, but at £10 per year I doubt it is driving many pensdioners into hardship.
  • Who Pays The Pound ?
    a University Society which has a small number of active residential members, who each pay a small annual subscription, and a large number of alumni-members (who are probably active in territorial associations around the country),PeterScott

    I can't speak for others, but CUG charges all members a lifetime subscription when they join. It doesn't use the resident v non-resident model that some territorial societies use.
  • Who Pays The Pound ?
    when it joined, the University Society needed to count their alumni in order to be large-enough to become Representative Members of the CouncilPeterScott

    The qualifying membership of a society that doesn't charge an annual subscription is based on the number of its members who are active, ie who take part in a society event during the year.
  • Is ART the answer to recruitment, training & retention? Expand ART carefully from NOW to deliver?
    the demand for places at the elementary level was three times the supply,Roger Booth

    Our branch introduced an elementary practice a few years ago and it is the best attended, to the extent that we increased from one to two a month.
  • Is ART the answer to recruitment, training & retention? Expand ART carefully from NOW to deliver?
    If you consider Simon Linford's four zonesRoger Booth

    There were only three in his original articles about the barriers to progression in method ringing, red, blue & black. Green was added later to cater for those who hadn't got into method ringing.
  • Is '2030' misleading - much too late! Use 2025 or 2026?
    That may be because the plan isn't kept updated, but if it isn't there's not much point in having it.John de Overa

    The plan published on the website might not be the same as the plan being used by those running the project. Of course in an ideal organisation everything would be kept up to date, and it would be in some employee's job spec to do it. But the CC has no employees, it runs on a shoestring using effort that volunteers spare on their lives, and things that the person involved doesn't consider has to be done now get deferred until there is time to do them.
    Lots of ringing websites have update problems, all of them run by volunteers who might stop doing the job if they were nagged about how they chose to do it.
  • What new outputs will result from the proposed increase in affiliation fees?
    So often I see people just using simulators as a form of sound controlRoger Booth

    Yes, and they talk about having sim practices when the simulator is doing no more than a Seage's aparatus.
    towers where it relatively easy to pop upstairs and silence a bellRoger Booth

    Our bells are easy to silence, but thanks to proper (effective) sound control for practices we just need to pull four cords in the ringing room rather than climb 57 steps and climb into and out of 8 bell pits. It's also another example of where making a higher financial investment can save both time and effort over the years compared with the cheaper solution.