
  • Publicity material
    I agree totally Peter! I think bell ringing has to somehow shake off a potentially old crusty legacy and market itself as a 21c pastime. The church and freemasonry to name a couple are suffering from drastically reduced numbers and are now revamping their image. Freemasonry for example are heavily into a university graduate recruitment program. I don’t know the answer but am prepared to invest as much time as I can to make sure ringing flourishes in the future!
  • Publicity material
    Some fantastic ideas above which I will certainly take back to the towers that I ring and teach! I think we also have to realise though is that not all towers actually want new blood. I rang last week at a tower where their last recruit was over 4 years ago! The reason being- we enjoy ringing London, Cambridge, Norwich etc, do we want to go back to rounds and call changes?