
  • Pedant’s revolt
    Thanks guys - gave me a laugh
    Yes: I often bemoan the 'things that cross the pond' however where language is concerned I am mindful of the fact that American English has simply retained, inherited, a spelling or word that was in use before independence and or the Pilgrim Fathers = smile
    In future I will reference the on line version of the manual although being of a certain age I prefer the paper of a book - where I can insert a bookmark (before anyone comments on that I am aware that one can do that to an electrnic version - though I am not yet certain what happens to that mark when the page is changed or replaced?)
    On a completely other tack BT have made EE their cutsomer facing operation and we have thus 'been moved' with many inervitable unconsidred complexities - the pedant rests - ho hum
  • Pedant’s revolt

    Yes I am aware of that use for the term e.g. 'holding' a chain wheel onto the bottom bracket axle of a bicycle however as I say in the trade that term was used for what we all generally call a split pin. If you think about it the cotter pin on a cycle is there to prevent rotation as is a split pin when placed in a castellated nut :-)
  • When do you *stop* recruiting?
    You will find that you will always need more :-) look at the make up of your band; how many over 65? How many young married and working with kids? the former will not always be with you - the latter may have to move for work at any moment
    2 per bell seems reasonable and you may need more than one practice night for a while.
    Yes it would be good were you to feel able to help the other two twoers back into life AND
    in a worst case you have 8 so if necessry can drop back to ring just six of them (back or front?)
  • UNESCO status for bell ringing?
    English style Full circle bell ringing must certainly be a unique traditional skill. The questions are how one vote does and how many supporters we may have? I sense an opportunity to get the art into all of the various local media and to really find out what people know about and think about it
  • custody of tower keys
    As has been said the bells including any keys are the property of The Church and the incumbent is responsible for them to the Bishop and the Diocese, the Church Wardens if they exist are given that responsibility to report and maintain. They jointly and severally have responsibility e.g. if the ropes are used by someone to commit suicide by hanging.
    Again changes though now only ‘major’ changes to the fabric require a faculty
    If a Tower Captain (not necessarily a Ringing master) takes on that responsibility ...
    We are all aware of the Revd Ellacombe. He could not have imagined that his ‘machine’ would decades later enable rings of bells to at least be chimed when they are no longer in a fit state to be 'rung'!
    The only other comment I would make is that Bell and Ringing chamber and Tower door locks are often old to very old and the keys to old locks are often badly worn so care should be taken if it is contemplated to cut/make copies of these keys; using e.g. two keys with different degrees of wear can/may/will over time wear ultimately to destruction the internals of said locks
  • Don’t waste my time (RW article)
    I have only just joined and just caught up with this so is it still going and if so how do you/would I know?
  • Dem stays, dem stays, dem dry stays
    Just a light hearted romp