The road to Wigan's tears Hi
Here in Devon we've begun collating information from our local contacts - here is a request we sent round in this month's newssheet :
Help us identify churches At Risk
The recent Central Council meeting ended with a thought provoking presentation about the likelihood of churches closing in future with a particular focus on identifying those with bells that may be At Risk.
The presentation is available to review on YouTube if you missed it :
This checklist was presented - if the answer is Yes to the majority of these questions then it is possible your church may be At Risk.
<snipped image from presentation showing checklist>
Figures were presented suggesting there may be quite a high number of churches in Devon which would unfortunately pass the checklist test and there are more rings of bells in Devon than any other county so there is a possibility that some rings we are currently able to visit may become unavailable.
It was also suggested that early knowledge of the possibility of church closure is really helpful to enable planning for possible re-location of bells to another church.
So we would like your help please?
Please take a look at the checklist and let the branch officers know if the number of Yes answers is in the majority for your church.