
  • Member Mojo - multiple Associations under one subscription?
    " ... pull together a conversation with them about improvements or adjustments ... "

    The Guild of Devonshire Ringers has rolled out membermojo to all members this year after conducting a pilot over the last 12 months - we have already found benefits we weren't expecting, including an increase in members paying their subscription or rejoining - we believe this is because it's easy to do at any time - you don't need to remember to hand over cash at a practice

    And for the first time we have a simple way of sending email exclusively to our paid-up members. If any of those members don't renew their membership next year then the system will automatically remove them from the mailing list.

    I would be interested in discussing improvements though - such as the ability to capture free text Options when a member makes a Store purchase - membermojo support have already told me this is on their development backlog.

    And our Trustees would be interested if there were to be a way of creating a segmented system at a reduced cost while still meeting our operational requirements.
  • Surrey Association MemberMojo example
    At it's recent AGM members of the Guild of Devonshire Ringers agreed to start using membermojo to manage our membership list and subscriptions from the start of 2024.

    Members of our Guild Committee have already been trialling the service but we'd be interested in hearing experiences from other Societies who've already rolled this out.