
  • Ringing 2030 - stillborn?
    This is the very situation that the Cast of 1000 had hoped to address. Finding someone keen to run the practices is probably the hard part as always when looking for a volunteer. The second step would approach the 'supporting cast' and get people to sign up to attend however many they could manage. The hope was that individual ringers would at least offer their services for a couple of hours perhaps once or twice a year to help this group of ringers.
  • Bookstall
    Being involved in the CCCBR publications team there is still a demand for books, at the moment they seem to be flying out the door and many titles are having to be reprinted to keep up with demand. The same as many things in ringing it is finding volunteers to run a bookstall at local level.
    Having taught a band from scratch in recent years the one title that the majority have bought is the New Ringer's Book closely followed by Ringing Circles. Especially the former has answers to many questions that ringers have had presented in an easy to use style.
  • job descriptions - guild / association / district / branch officers
    Rather than Job Descriptions would it not be better to refer to them as Role Responsibilities? These can list what is required by the Association rules and then it leaves the individual to make the job their own. Also whatever document you use don't make it too long; a few years ago I saw a General Secretary's job description that was over two pages long. Enough to put off even the most willing volunteer!
  • The road to Wigan's tears
    Leicester Diocese are also working on this problem by creating Minster churches that will then head up a large group of parishes, part of this solution is that it cuts down on paid clergy relying on various other non salaried clergy and lay posts. One problem highlighted is that Service times suffer, as congregation at one church stated we only have an 8.00am Communion Service. This won't attract many, especially those with young families; result is that they now only get two people at a Service.
  • Diversity
    Look at Walworth in SE London, a large number of young ringers from the congregation who aren't white and middle class. They were taught to ring in between two Sunday morning Services, however, there is little interest or support from their parents to go to any other ringing events and integrate with Surrey young ringers, both their leaders are white and from outside the area; they were represented at the CCCBR roadshow in 2019 at Goldsmiths which was right on their doorstep.