
  • Diocesan reorganisation plans

    The plan is for this to be completed by 2025/6. One Minster Community is operational (Launde), one is on the later stages of planning (Coalville) and NW Leicestershire is the latest area to start the process.

    This is also being opposed by Save the Parish, principally citing Wigan, and overly high Diocesan costs compared to other local dioceses of the same size (despite a central cost reduction exercise in the last couple of years).

    The Bishop continually underlines that the Parish remains central to the plan, although has stated that all future appointments will only be to Minster Communities, the legality of which statement is open to question. The FAQs on the Diocesan website also state that church closure is a question for the PCC not the diocese. At least 2 NW Leicestershire churches have said that they do not want to be part of a Minster Community.

    It has indeed been a consultative process. It will be interesting to see as we move in NWL to the next stage of actually talking about groupings, how much that consultative approach continues.

    It is interesting to note that these groupings are being created in a very informal manner, with no new legal structures being put in place at this stage.

    Simon Lindford, there is also an emphasis on work with schools, with one of the four ministers in each Minster community, having a focus on growing faith, with a strong emphasis on work with schools.
  • New Peal Boards
    List B applications, certainly in my diocese are now processed via the CofE online faculty system, for which a login is required. The PCC usually has at least one person registered on it to make applications. For List B I am usually also asked for a PCC resolution to back the proposal, although have never made an application for Peal Boards.