
  • PR Matters Day 2.0
    I like the idea of an international festival of bells, but why are we as change-ringers so inward looking and just talking about things like Stedman's birthday or the anniversary of the CCCBR. We're missing out on a huge amount of potential and PR here. There's already a festival of bells on New Year's Day in the US which covers all forms of ringing, and this would be the ideal date to choose -
  • PR Matters Day 2.0
    Why are we change-ringers so inward looking when it comes to PR. There is already a festival of bells in the US which embraces all forms of ringing (including carillons and tune ringing on handbells) and this is on New Year's day. This would have far greater public appeal than Stedman's Birthday or anniversary of the CCCBR -

    By being so inward looking we as change ringers are missing out on many valuable PR opportunities.

    For example, our local band have loaned a set of handbells to the local Girlguides, who are using them to rehearse tunes and perform at a local carol service. The Guide leaders are very enthusiastic and thrilled that we have made this happen. Many towers have similar sets of handbells which they could use in a similar way. It is wonderful way of engaging and networking with the local community, especially young people, some of whom could then become change-ringers. Explaining to change-ringers where to get the music from, how to use the handbells, and the support available from HRGB would make a great topic for a PR day. It would make a welcome change to the usual negative complaint that Scouts and Guides only come along for the badge, and then give up.