• Vicki Chapman
    The CCCBR PR Workgroup are developing a workshop day for all things public relations related to bellringing but it would be great to have some topics for talks, breakout sessions and practical workshops that people would be most interested in. Please let us know what you'd like to see covered.
  • Deb Margason-Baker
    playing Devils advocate here ....

    Why is there still no International Ringing Day or International Day of Bells?
    If there was to be one, which day would it be? Stedman's birthday? St Georges Day? CCBR's inception or registration anniversary? a n other?

    Why do we not have a patron? who would it be? what would we do when they no longer represented our community? or is it too fraught with problems? How many charities have patrons to add visibility to their cause?

    Duck and cover......
  • Geoff Pullin
    Two of my favourites and another I haven't gone to press on before!

    Seehttps://www.pdg.org.uk/latest-news/publicity for:

    Welcome new Incumbents
    This has produced an enquiry or two some time after the incumbent's arrival leading to at least one restoration of bells.

    and much more useful has been this:

    The new item is aboutchoreographing our ringing - especially for weddings and civic occasions. So often we work in isolation. How many bother to find out whether there will be bagpiper, cadet band etc that we might drown out because we didn't know; and the latest 'trick' at our church - the bride and groom process to the back of the church and stand there to greet the congregation as they pass whilst going out first ready to throw the confetti. When do you want us to ring?
  • Alan C
    A couple of issues I could do with some instruction in:

    • how to use social media effectively (not original I know)
    • how to make contacts and network with the local community
  • Stella Bianco
    I wish we could have a BBC bellringing 'filler', esp around Christmas, or Remembrance Sunday) instead of seeing canoeists, hikers, cyclists, drummers, dancers etc. Perhaps Worcester Cathedral could oblige with some young ringers? I can't remember what the slot is called but the complication is that it has no sound ...
  • Simon Linford
    Vicki - is "Bell Sunday" intended to be international? @Vicki Chapman
  • Vicki Chapman
    I would certainly be pitching it that way. NAGR are part of the conversations we're having, but not sure how it translates across to other territories.
  • Cathy Dixon
    Being new to the role of Public Relations officer, I have found it difficult to develop a list of potential media contacts. Even finding out which regions of the BBC/ITV networks cover our guild is a headache!
  • Vicki Chapman
    I think it's something that builds over time. I started by searching for local tv, radio and print press and making a note of their Newsdesk or Editor's contact details. From then, whenever someone else has contacted me from an outlet, I've added their details to my list.
  • Roger Booth
    Why are we change-ringers so inward looking when it comes to PR. There is already a festival of bells in the US which embraces all forms of ringing (including carillons and tune ringing on handbells) and this is on New Year's day. This would have far greater public appeal than Stedman's Birthday or anniversary of the CCCBR - https://www.bells.org/events.

    By being so inward looking we as change ringers are missing out on many valuable PR opportunities.

    For example, our local band have loaned a set of handbells to the local Girlguides, who are using them to rehearse tunes and perform at a local carol service. The Guide leaders are very enthusiastic and thrilled that we have made this happen. Many towers have similar sets of handbells which they could use in a similar way. It is wonderful way of engaging and networking with the local community, especially young people, some of whom could then become change-ringers. Explaining to change-ringers where to get the music from, how to use the handbells, and the support available from HRGB would make a great topic for a PR day. It would make a welcome change to the usual negative complaint that Scouts and Guides only come along for the badge, and then give up.
  • Alison Everett
    you're not alone. It would be good to have some sort of practical workshop on how to do stuff on your phone or tablet. Basic intermediate and advanced even.
    Examples of the kinds of things people might be interested in - how to:
    set up a social media account on your phone, tablet or laptop
    find other accounts that would be useful to follow,
    post news items/share items
    tag profiles,
    set notifications for when people you follow post updates.
    set timers for when you want stuff to go out
  • Bruce
    Bell Sunday should definitely be international. We just need to share the information to the incumbents explaining what the event is all about. Many churches already celebrate the ringers annually and this would just be an additional element.
  • Roger Booth
    I like the idea of an international festival of bells, but why are we as change-ringers so inward looking and just talking about things like Stedman's birthday or the anniversary of the CCCBR. We're missing out on a huge amount of potential and PR here. There's already a festival of bells on New Year's Day in the US which covers all forms of ringing, and this would be the ideal date to choose - https://www.bells.org/events
  • Alan C
    I like the idea of an international festival of bells, but why are we as change-ringers so inward looking

    Comes of ringing in circles I guess :)
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