
  • Funding target and direct membership
    I would add to Roger's comment that, depending on how associations are constituted, they may not have a legal identity. In which case they cannot be sued and any liability policy will be completely worthless.
  • Ten Commandments of the Ringing Master
    I will not lose heart when nothing seems to go right on a practice night.
  • Contingency in large bell projects
    In my commercial world I wouldn't include less than 33% contingency, often 50% and sometimes 100%. The reason being that you cannot possibly think of everything and cost for it - or, if you did, you'd come up with the higher figure anyway. It's just not worth spending the time thinking about it - just accept you will almost certainly use contingency.

    The thing with bell projects is that, in the scheme of things, they are small & simple (may not seem so to many involved but they are a well trodden path with more certainty then the stuff I deal with). So less contingency is probably OK although I feel 10% is light.
  • Advertising peals
    All ASCY peals for which notice is given at a meeting are posted on our website here >
  • Visual aids when ringing
    Some of our band do have the line available at times, particularly when we are moving on to a new method. I have no problem with that if they find it helpful.

    But they never ring as fluently when they are looking at the line. So we move away as soon as we can, and certainly don't use them for quarters.
  • Grandsire Triples - use of coursing order
    I do follow the coursing order. If you know the composition well, this has the added bonus that, if you wake up part way through and can't remember where you are in the composition, you can work out what to call from the coursing order.
  • GDPR for ringing records (Library / Archive)
    I agree with Sue that they should be kept permanently and the GDPR position is fine if you include that you will hold data indefinitely for historical & statistical purposes.

    We should be very careful to protect our historical records.
  • Teach Plain Hunt before Call Changes?
    I couldn't agree more. I rarely use call changes as part of the training process and, if I do, I do it by places. Some of my band can't ring call changes but have rung many quarters.
  • Ringing in Holy Week - time to spring clean the tower, but what ringing for a funeral?
    I am coming to the conclusion that this is largely something invented/imposed by ringers as I understand there is no liturgical basis. The only liturgical guidelines are as previously stated - nothing after the Gloria on Maundy Thursday until Easter Day.