
  • Advice on ringing for older ringers
    Many thanks, Peter. Our treble weighs c3cwt and I tried your technique, but prefer limiting extending my arms fully. Arthritis is my problem. I have had an MRI scan and agreed to have a full shoulder replacement in July or a reversal if the rotator cuff is too badly worn.
  • Advice on ringing for older ringers
    I suffer from arthritis in my right shoulder and struggle to ring call changes on the treble for more than 5 minutes at a time. I have had to adapt my style and am considering ringing left handed. My surgeon and physiotherapist both recommend continuing to ring, if it is safe. After 60 years ringing, I reckon I will be the best judge. Fortunately, I ring at a GF tower and was able to return to ringing three months after a replacement hip operation . The wet slippery stone path worries me more ...
  • "Tower Handbook" by John Harrison
    I have a copy you can have, as we also have a copy in the tower. I will liaise privately.
  • Acknowledging Long Service in territorial Associations/Guilds/Societies
    Returning to my starter question: Please could we have a reply from Kent?
  • bound copies of the ringing world
    Oliver: Have a little patience. Opportunities to rescue bound do RWs occur. It is similar with territorial association annual reports.
  • Environment and conditions in bell towers
    I know one tower where the PCC insist on the TC being a member of the congregation, so it is difficult to replace him/her. I suppose there are ways around this by having a Ringing Master and sharing other roles. It is useful being a member of the PCC or having a 'voice' and feeedback through someone who is.
  • Environment and conditions in bell towers
    One hears of churches where no annual meeting of the ringers is held, no belfry maintenance records, attendance records, h&s tower risk assessments, safeguarding checks are kept. Whilst CCCBR guidance is advisory, perhaps a sample agenda for AGMs could be compiled by the Stewardship & Management Work Group?
  • PR Matters Day 2.0
    I wish we could have a BBC bellringing 'filler', esp around Christmas, or Remembrance Sunday) instead of seeing canoeists, hikers, cyclists, drummers, dancers etc. Perhaps Worcester Cathedral could oblige with some young ringers? I can't remember what the slot is called but the complication is that it has no sound ...
  • Roller Coaster
    Thanks and there's a nice article "New call changes to try on eight bells" by John Pusey on page 979 of the current issue of the RW.