• Alison Hodge
    Here is an event that may be of interest if you wish to know more about bats in your tower.

    Bats and Church Building Works Q&A
    Wednesday 20 October 13:00-14:00 via Zoom, hosted by the Bats in Churches project
    Bats can be found in thousands of churches across England and they are protected by law. What does this mean for churches and planning works? In this free lunchtime session the project wants to give practical and useful information, including when bats should be considered and where you can go for advice. You'll also get a chance to ask any questions you may have. Register free

  • Alison Hodge
    This was a very good session. A few key points -
    - Bats are present in well over 50% of churches (probably closer to 90% in the older ones) (they do not have up to date data)
    - Different species use different spaces - some simply hang on rafters, some hide in cracks in wood, stone etc.
    - Bats use different spaces at different times of the year
    - Just because there are no signs of bats does not mean that there are none!
    - It is far better to get advice and help in checking for bats before any project starts - not doing so could lead to disturbance of the bats or their roosts - either risks prosecution
    - National Bats Helpline - https://www.bats.org.uk/our-work/national-bat-helpline
    - Free advice will often be available - talk to them!
    - Finding bats does not necessarily prevent a project going ahead. Advice will be given on what to do when bats or roosts are found.

    (More information is available on line using a search)
  • Simon Linford
    When I ran a restoration contractor and hence came across bats a lot, we had a lecture from a bat man for all our site staff and managers. One of the most interesting things I remember is why it is important not to disturb them when they are hibernating (I think this is also true about Hedgepigs). They go to sleep with only just enough fuel to survive and then wake them up again once, If they are disturbed and wake up, they then don't have enough energy to wake up again when the spring comes, and hence they die.
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