• David Struckett
    The use of the headings for calling positions 'W M H' in Plain bob is usual nowadays, first appearing in a text book in Shipway I believe (1813/16). However, ever since Jasper Snowdon's 'Ropesight' (1879) - in Triples the use of W and M has often been interchanged, because the position of the notated bell is exchanged because of the odd number. (it's more logical to keep the order W,M,H because of l/e order, CO and transpositions).

    I wonder if someone with access to a copy of Shipway could look up Bob Triples (and caters and cinques) to see which way round he used - I know the compositions appearing, but only second hand, so no telling which was original! Unfortunately the CC's History books uses the Ropesight layout, without indicating original format.
  • David Struckett
    Thank you Graham, I thought so. Useful to know about the Whiting Society too - how useful! I hope future CC publications keep to the original example set by Shipway.
  • John Harrison
    As late as the 1980s the Diary was using the convention for W & M that didn't fit the coursing order convention. I discovered that while rehearsing in my head a quarter that I was going to call, on my way to the church. At the end I hadn't got to 53246. I assumed I had made a slip and went through it all again but got the same result. When I got to the tower I wrote it out on paper to check. Fortunately something (can't remember what) gave me the idea of swapping over W & M and then the composition worked.
    If I hadn't rehearsed calling it I would only have found the problem when it failed to come round at the end, which would have been embarrassing!
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