• Alison Hodge
    Does anyone know of people who make typical (probably) wooden peal boards and signwriters please (not machine produced lettering).

    Putting up a new peal board in a CofE church is included in List B of the Faculty Rules so requires the Archdeacon's permission. Does anyone have experience of getting such approval or the issues raised if there were objections?

  • Alison Hodge
    .... to partly answer my own question, I have found adverts in The Ringing World e.g. in issues 5819 and 5788. There is also an advert in the Lichfield & Walsall Handbook for 2021/22.
    Are these offers still open?

    There is also a request for suppliers of peal boards to make themselves known in this week's RW - issue 5853.
  • Barbara Le Gallez
    Thanks Alison, here at All Saints' Landbeach we shall shortly be requiring a dedication board for our 2 new bells, so would also like to know whom to ask to make it.
  • Alison Hodge
    Barbara - do you have access to the back issues of the Ringing World? I provided the relevant issue numbers in my earlier post. There may be further advertisers in response to the request recently.
  • Richard Bimson
    List B applications, certainly in my diocese are now processed via the CofE online faculty system, for which a login is required. The PCC usually has at least one person registered on it to make applications. For List B I am usually also asked for a PCC resolution to back the proposal, although have never made an application for Peal Boards.
  • Mike Bateman
    I agree list B and faculty applications are mostly done online depending on your diocese.
    I have access to the system and will look up the guidance for peal boards . Generally there is a list of documents needed and specific requirements. Mainly to ensure Method of attachment doesn’t damage the building etc and perhaps the wording is appropriate ?
  • Mike Bateman
    Having checked the List B schedules (can be found on Chuch of England website) I can confirm that addition of Peal boards is List B see
    B2. Bells etc.

    (8) The introduction of peal boards in a location not normally visible to the public

    There are no conditions specified - but the general rules at start of the section on Historic fabric and Churches that are Listed Buildings will also apply .You will of course need agreement from the Vicar and Churchwarden(s) and the PCC may need to agree and minute the request as the Archdeacon may ask for a copy of that before agreeing.

    I would suggest you contact the local DAC (Diocesan Advisory Council ) or the Bulidings contact at the local Diocese - details are usually on the Diocesan website, they are usually helpful - or ask your Churchwarden and or Vicar.

    If it is a listed building then you would probably have to hang on non- ferrous fixings (or stainless steel) and only make fixings into mortar joints .

    So looks like ringing chamber or possibly base of tower is best location for non general access to the public. or else a full faculty may be needed.......
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