• Barbara Le Gallez
    Dear All, I would like to share the following with you, because I think it is so applicable to bellringing (and any group really) -

    "Without a disposition for people to work together, the most elaborate scheme will break down. With it, even a most imperfect scheme will be able to work, and to eliminate its imperfections in the course of its working."

    This actually comes from a 1940s civil servant, Sir Donald Banks, commenting on the possibilities for recovery of the Channel Islands after WWII. [In the original, the word "people" was "islanders".]

    Best wishes, Barbara
  • John Harrison
    that seems reasonable because even 'the most elaborate scheme' is at best an outline of the myriad small decisions and actions needed in practice. I've seen similar comments that people who want to make a system work will find a way to do so despite its defects, but if they don't then even an apparently good system will fail.
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