• Jason Carter
    I'm planning to discuss this at the branch AGM in a couple of weeks. How many groups have a social media officer as opposed to a PRO? I would like to recruit someone to lead a Tiktok and Instagram feed to attract younger ringers.
  • A J Barnfield
    I think we could do with a broader thread on communication in general. I'll start one. Not sure where to put is as external communication would be under PR, internal would have to be under general. I'll put it under general.
  • Alan C
    I'm planning to discuss this at the branch AGM in a couple of weeks. How many groups have a social media officer as opposed to a PRO? I would like to recruit someone to lead a Tiktok and Instagram feed to attract younger ringers.Jason Carter

    Surrey has a Communications officer, with Facebook and Twitter delegated to me to look after. I must admit to being loath to taking on Instagram and TikTok as well. My main problem is getting content from anyone but a few stalwarts.

    I get the impression sometimes that some think email is dangerously new fashioned :wink:
  • Lucy Chandhial
    We don’t have any kind of PR or communications officer.
    I look after Twitter, there is a Facebook page which is rarely updated (and a Facebook group which is occasionally used) but no coordinated activity to promote the Association to people outside the world of ringing.
    The website is looked after by a group of webmasters on different topics and seems quite successful at directing people to tower contacts but there is an intention to update the website next year.
    If there is to be coordinated activity to meet a significant recruitment objective we would need to find volunteers to support PR, including social media, and consider teaching more ringers how to teach handling (if they are willing to learn and put in the time to teach handling).
  • Simon Ridley
    The G and B has a strict "no social media policy". However we have unofficial social media streams that two of us control from outside the organisation.
  • Vicki Chapman
    My Association role is as Communications Officer so incorporates both external PR and internal comms. PR also applies to our internatal audience as we often have to engage with our own ringers to get them to support things. I cover our social media, although we have a separate webmaster and newsletter editor.
  • Susan Hall
    As PRO for the Derby DA my role has evolved to also cover Internal Communications, and we have a local (Derbyshire Bellringers) Facebook group. For external social media I set up the Bell Ringing Derbyshire Facebook page, and share posts to other local (non-ringing) FB groups/pages as appropriate. I've also set up an Instagram account for the tower where I am TC, as I've been advised (by a young ringer) that Instagram is the most popular social media channel for young people (and to avoid TikTok).
  • Alan C
    The G and B has a strict "no social media policy". However we have unofficial social media streams that two of us control from outside the organisation.Simon Ridley

    Can I ask why please?
  • Simon Ridley
    it represents the views of officers who have just departed. I know no more. New officers are shortly coming into post so hopefully this will change.
  • Tristan Lockheart
    I've also set up an Instagram account for the tower where I am TC, as I've been advised (by a young ringer) that Instagram is the most popular social media channel for young people (and to avoid TikTok).Susan Hall

    Yes, Instagram is a good way of reaching the young (and increasingly the not-so-young). TikTok is inadvisable unless it is a young person running it; it requires a very specific format and humour level to get engagement.
  • Jason Carter
    Yes, Instagram is a good way of reaching the young (and increasingly the not-so-young). TikTok is inadvisable unless it is a young person running it; it requires a very specific format and humour level to get engagement.Tristan Lockheart

    Interesting... maybe I can embrace Insta... I'm too much of a dinosaur to go for TikTok. However, I would prefer someone younger and cooler than me to take this on though...
  • PDGCBR Secretary
    The PDG has a PRO, with the social media being part of their role description. There is also a Facebook page, with a policy on posting, access etc. It is part of the PRO's role, but can (and is) delegated.
    Thus far just Facebook. I was tempted to try twitter, but seeing that's just gone up in flames, I'm glad we didn't go there!
  • PeterScott
    ... I would like to recruit someone to lead a Tiktok and Instagram feed to attract younger ringers.Jason Carter

    I wonder if, in the Old Days, any Association appointed a Letter Writing Officer, with the objective to encourage members to write to one another, and even better to include mention of ringing in any letter written to anyone else ...

    Surely the use of any social media is a result of members wishing to communicate with one another, and (different from the Old Days) the visibility of lots-of-activity is that like-minded people may wish to join-in - and maybe even find out more about this ringing-lark because of all the mentions of how-much-fun-it-is, how many evenings-out it generates, and how much time ringers spend in t'pub ...
  • Richard Pargeter
    The value of social media is to communicate with the rest of the world, not each other, fun though that may be. A major problem we have faced over the years is invisibility. Bells are just audio wall paper, like the church building, they are 'just there' Most people don't think of the people ringing them at all. Just as an example (and I could give many more), how often are the ringers mentioned on, say, wedding orders of service? The officiant, choir and organist commonly get an acknowledgement, but ringers very rarely.

    We do have a tower Facebook page, but the valuable posts are those on the Village page. Occasional shameless recruiting messages, but mostly just letting people know about what's going on, with pictures of bells and/or happy ringers, and some videos. That needs to be done on a very local level. Although most of the posts are mine, any member of the band is free to put something up, and do. I believe it is beginning to pay dividends - I have recently gained 5 new recruits.
  • Elaine Scott
    There are several parts to this
    - We want people to be able and willing to talk to each other and as groups. The WhatsApp group used on the North West Course this year was ideal for both immediate notification of course matters and sharing details.
    - More general information that need the electronic equivalent of the tower notice board where people can go to look for things, the website perhaps
    - And a personal contact to let people know that there are items of interest to look at on the website

    it certainly is a concept that needs at last one dedicated person to deal with. The secretary writing letters had a much easier job.
  • John Harrison
    The secretary writing letters had a much easier job.Elaine Scott

    Not sure that's true. Letters couldn't deal with the first point anyway so I assume the comparison is with general information distribution. Then and now the text had to be written anyway, so it's just distribution.
    Instead of addressing say 20 Envelopes, putting a copy in each and posting them for tower correspondents to deal with, he/she sends a single copy to the towers mailing list.
    Alternatively, to cut out the middleman he/she sends a copy to the members mailing list, or if it's a large document sends it to the webmaster who puts it on the website, and then sends the link to the members list.
    I don't think any of those are more work than the piles of envelopes, and most of them get more directly to the members.
    What if you don't have towers or members making lists, or a website? Get them!
  • Jason Carter
    ↪Alan C it represents the views of officers who have just departed. I know no more. New officers are shortly coming into post so hopefully this will change.Simon Ridley

    Maybe it is time to stop being embarrassed about holding an election (and having a vote) on committee members.
  • Jason Carter
    Maybe it is time to stop being embarrassed about holding an election (and having a vote) on committee members.Jason Carter

    and central council members
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