• Simon Linford
    Found this at Blakehall today. How does this compare with how we advetise for recruits now? In Colin Newman's talk on how to build and run youth bands we talked about ringing for service not being an obligation any more, but something that young ringers could almost aspire to. Certainly when I started the Brumdingers we had "Church Parade" once a month to make service ringing special. [img]
  • Simon Linford
    OK - I can't see how to actually post the image yet!
  • John Harrison
    I don't think it's true to say service ringing isn't an obligation. If you join a performing group (ringing, musical or other) there is an expectation that you will take part in performances when required. How many performances, and how much discretion the individual performer has will vary from 'strict 100% or you are out' to 'make sure you are pull your weight enough not to let down the team'. But I don't accept the idea of no obligation.
    That doesn't imply attending services or being religious, which are separate.
    One of our ringers played in a brass band, and if they had an engagement she was expected to play, Why should the same not apply to ringing?
  • A J Barnfield
    On the one hand if teams are going to work you need a high level of commitment from members. On the other hand the requirement to commit and the existence of obligation will put (at least some, perhaps a lot) of people off.
  • John Harrison
    what's wrong with putting off people who don't want to be part of the team?
  • Simon Linford
    When I started the Brumdingers I did not tell the kids about Sunday ringing or say that was what they had to do. Their activity was part of church life, but it was not tied to an early Sunday morning commitment. It would have definitely put some of them off learning at all because they are involved in toher things and would not always be able to come. Two of the kids for instance couldn't ring last Sunday because of Scouts.

    The vicar is quite happy that kids bellringing isn't something that is linked to Sunday ringing - he is happy that it is another thing that brings young people into church. There are other young people's activities that use the church, not on Sundays. The rest of the local band is happy that on Sundays there will always be some Brumdingers, and occasionally there will be a thre-line whip.

    I think this is more a point about young ringers than older. I appreciate that if you are recruitment to add members of your local band you would want them to understand that Sunday is what we practice for, but I don't think that making it an obligation on young ringers will help recruit them. One needs to make it such that they wnt to come on a Sunday because it is another opportunity for them to do something they enjoy, which is what I have found.
  • Alison Hodge
    .... so what is it that gives the feeling that supporting the Scouts for church parade takes precedence over the bell ringing?

    I am not saying that there is a "right or wrong", just asking the question?
  • A J Barnfield
    Probably best not to think in terms of right and wrong, probably best just to think in terms of actions and consequences. The more you push up the commitment requirement the more you will probably reduce the pool of potential recruits.
  • Alan C
    On the poster it's rather too full of negatives rather than positives for my liking.

    I can't remember when it was suggested to me that Sunday ringing was an expectation, but as I'm essentially using the bells for 'free' for an activity I enjoy, that didn't seem too high a demand to me.

    Obviously young people might not be in a position for various reasons to ring every Sunday, but I don't think an expectation to ring at least some Sundays is unreasonable.
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