Democratic involvement in the CCCBR is not limited so much by structure as by the lack of interest of the majority of ringers. — A J Barnfield
I have heard that sentiment several times in recint years, in Council meetings, from opponents of the reforms the reforms that the Council has now overwhelmingly accepted.Jane Wilkinson .... the Council is seen as increasingly undemocratic.” — Simon Linford
Of the many aspects of a democratic organisation, I posted here about the relationship between each ringer and the central ringing organisation (to use CRAG's terminology).... the Council is seen as increasingly undemocratic ... — Jane Wilkinson in Ringing World
So I would say, Central Council, keep up your great work, but you need to do something that makes you visible (or maybe audible?) to every single ringer in the country! — Barbara Le Gallez
Yes that would be a good idea, John. Although I think the CC might say "we are here to organise; we can't be the do-ers as well". — Barbara Le Gallez
So I would say, Central Council, keep up your great work, but you need to do something that makes you visible (or maybe audible?) to every single ringer in the country! — Barbara Le Gallez
I suspect that there are times that I only become aware of something that concerns me by catching a comment in the Ringing World or the Presidential Blog. Is there not some way of increasing the amount of information about the CCCBR's work that gets published, and providing it in, say a monthly summary on the website - a position statement, if you will? — Mike Shelley
Perhaps the problem lies with the quality and depth of the information that gets transmitted from the Guilds etc to their members. — Mike Shelley
Perhaps a sort of "dating website" for ringing might help - "Middle aged overweight balding ringer looking for like minded soulmates with GSH, for weekly fun and Surprise Minor"? — John de Overa
Although I think the CC might say "we are here to organise; we can't be the do-ers as well". — Barbara Le Gallez
the ringing community clinging to its Victorian structures — John Harrison
I think you've misunderstood how the Council does and did work. Under the old regime the only requirement for officers or committees to report to members was at the annual meeting, and apart from electing committee members there wasn't much more voting than now. Under the new regime the officers are empowered to do more, but they have to report on their decisions monthly, and members can 'call in' any decision if is less democratic in that individuals get fewer chances to make their voices heard. — Barbara Le Gallez
Thanks John, that's good to know. So suppose a CC rep has an idea, but can't get the relevant committee interested in it. Can they stand up at the annual meeting and say "I think we should do xyz"? That would be my test for democracy. — Barbara Le Gallez
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