each tower only needs work every 50 - 100 years but then needs a lot of money so it is long term planning — Lucy Chandhial
The duties of a charity trustee include keeping the objects of the charity under review, so changing them should be something that is considered from time to time. — Roger Booth
You must ask for Commission authority if your amendment will:
* change your charity’s purposes
Modern engineering is such that in 50 - 100 years only a minor overhaul will be needed, which will be far less expensive. — Roger Booth
How do we want to recruit and teach bellringing in order to reach more people more quickly? — Lucy Chandhial
the proportion of subs transferred into the BRF can be changed very easily. Also there is case for considering registering the whole society as a charity, where there is then — Roger Booth
That would require the agreement of both the association membership and The Charity Commission ... That it will likely be difficult and time consuming. — John de Overa
That doesn't follow. — John Harrison
in the current climate that is something to work through rather than a reason not to try. — John Harrison
Possible actions could also include giving larger grants, or widening the scope of work that the BRF will fund — Roger Booth
came from the HLF rather than the Association, it seems ironic that it's easier to get funding for that sort of thing from external funding bodies than it is from our own sources. — John de Overa
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