I make sure that ringing is regularly included on the church facebook and twitter pages. For example, last weekend we rang a quarter after the Remembrance Service and we got over 100 likes and positive comments from locals listening to the ringing. Also during lockdown last year, I ran a series so every week I posted about one of the inscriptions on one of or bells, with an occasional video of the bells ringing to keep people interested in the bells, so that when we restarted we didn't get any complaints.
As we came out of lock down, I started a bell ringers Facebook page to try to raise the local profile. As well as sharing to the church FB page, I selectively share onto the larger local groups.
However, it's a long slow process to start from scratch.
I quite regularly post about local ringing on an external 'Everything Moseley' Facebook group - there doesn't seem to be a better way of getting to people in the local area especially if there is one dominant Facebook group used by the community. It won't get to kids but it will get to their parents - I know that parents of the Brumdingers are members of 'Everything Moseley' because they like the ringing-related posts.