• Robin Shipp
    The CC Stewardship & Management have now produced Belfry Upkeep – an online document intended to assist Steeple Keepers. It can be found at https://belfryupkeep.cccbr.org.uk . Being online means that the document can easily be updated and any constructive comments will be reviewed and incorporated if suitable. Comments are welcome in this forum or by email to .
  • Mike Shelley
    The "Manual of Belfry Maintenance" was in the process of a major review and update but, I think, the only revised version in print has only some bits about the changed Faculty rules. There was discussion as to what would be the best format for the revised MoBM and I understood at the time that the practicalities of basing it online were potentially beyond CCCBR's capacity. "Belfry Upkeep" is an excellent summary of what belfries contain and what needs to be done to keep things functioning, and the compilers are to be commended.

    However, it is patently NOT an online edition of the MoBM,

    If BU, as it stands, is just the base for an eventually to be much expanded online resource on a par with the intended revised MoBM then that will be a tremendous achievement and well worth the wait. However, if it is not intended to transfer the updated draft content of the MoBM, albeit in modified format, then all the fine work on the latter will have been abortive and BU will never achieve it's true potential.

    I have both MoBM and BU in my home tower. I've yet to decide which is more useful - my money is on MoBM.
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