"I understand what you are saying but the PCC have no say in setting safeguarding policy, it's decided at diocesan level - even though the diocese then make it the responsibility of the PCCs to implement it."
John, yes, I agree but I don't think I explained what I meant as well as I could.
The national church has an SG policy which dioceses implement (not necessarilly in the same way). Each PCC must implement an SG policy which includes the overall key elements of the national policy. But, each PCC has license to include in its policy clauses which relate to activities which are relevant (and approved) in their parishes, e.g. bell ringing So there is flexibility.
"The assumption around volunteer SG training is that people only volunteer in one church, so everything is done at that level. That's increasingly untrue for many volunteers, and never has been true for ringers. It's another manifestation of just how out of touch diocesan/national CofE management has become with its parishes that it's come up with a SG policy that's not fit for purpose - but, CofE so no surprise there."
I entirely agree. Hence my belief that a national basic training which is transferrable is the thing to aim for. There still has to be a management process. Currently this is done through a PCC, or individuals can manage it themselves. The advantage with PCCs managing it is that they can then ensure that ringers do a refresh every three years (currently), whereas left to individuals it would never get done. But as ringers become even more detached from the church there certainly has to be a management sysem of some sort.
"I agree that in an ideal world there should be national, transferable SG training for all CofE volunteers, but there isn't, despite the obvious need for it and I can't see it happening as they've specifically not done that in the first place. Or we get "special case" training for ringing which allows us to continue to operate in the way we have for aeons."
I am not sure that its the type of training which is the problem. Its more the management of it. Why will "special case" training make the process any easier? It's the organisational arrangement between ringers and church which needs to change, as I think we both agree. As you say, the current set up doesn't work for us.
Thanks for the exchange of comments, it is interesting to hear the wide range of views on this subject.