Streaming of teachers? So for instance you get every experienced surprise maximus ringers teaching bell handling whereas it would be better if they were running surprise major practices, and those attendees were doing the teaching of those on lower floors. So the surprise major practices tend not to happen. — Simon Linford
This and the following paragraph are spot on, and are something I'm seeing playing out for real, right now. Someone in one of the associations I ring in has just started a fortnightly Surprise Minor/Major practice, which they've had to do by drawing in people from multiple towers as none of them have critical mass to do it on their own any more. The second session looks a bit low on numbers of experienced ringers, and in the ensuing discussion one of the branch's best ringers said he's happy to see the sessions happening but he can't come as it clashes with his tower's practice night - a tower that was Surprise Major until recently and is now CCs and PB5 and as he put it "is on a knife edge". That was echoed by another similarly experienced ringer. I understand the tower loyalty thing, but people at their level are a precious resource that shouldn't be squandered teaching handling and CCs.
My concern is that we are rapidly heading towards a situation (or are already in it) where we have numerous towers with 1-2 experienced ringers but with an overall low standard. That's a double whammy - not only is it a waste of scarce advanced teaching talent, it also means there's no progression path for the subset of ringers who are capable and interested in continuing up the skill pyramid.
I am not absolutely convinced by "prestige" of teaching, although there is certainly kudos attached to it — Simon Linford
I was trying to be diplomatic, clearly a mistake
:joke: I've been looked at askance when I've told people I was teaching handling, the subtext being "Who the f**k are you to be teaching anyone anything when you can't ring X?" That usually goes away once I explain the context, but that should not be necessary. If we want to encourage more people to teach on the ground floor, that attitude needs to be die.