Peal ringing decline thanks, that's similar to the list I came up with. I can see the appeal (pun intended) for composers & conductors, but for others the benefits seem marginal at best, and I think difficult to justify when compared to QPs. Although some people clearly enjoy being a "rank and file" peal ringer, I think the importance of peal ringing is a difficult pitch to recent starters, although of course it will be attractive to some of them.
I have heard people claim that the striking in a peal only really gets good after the first couple of hours (!). If true then perhaps it would be better to work on striking well from the start of all performances?
The original question was if the decline in peal ringing mattered. If the definition of "what matters" is the overall participation levels in ringing, and the standard of what's rung, perhaps the answer is "No, not really"?
p.s. I thought you only had to ring a QP to name a method, or are you referring to the naming the peal composition rather than the method(s)?