• Communications (Internal)
    Call it fragmentation or call it multiverse, news/information is sought from different sources to service different needs.
    My national news comes from a large screen in the corner of my living room and a small screen in my hand e.g.TV, online news/ magazine subscription and Twitter.
    My local news comes from my screen in my living room, a smaller screen of my laptop and the smallest screen in my hand. TV, Local email groups joined e.g. My Neighborhood, FB, Twitter,
    My interest groups, familial and friendship news comes from my laptop screen and smallest screen in my hand via email, FB, WhatsApp, Twitter, YouTube, tiktok.

    It's no different in my 'belliverse'
    National news comes from The Ringing Rag via email and sometimes paper, FB and Twitter.
    Highlights and alerts to national info come from Chairman's Chatter, President's Blog via email, FB and Twitter.
    Local news comes via Guild and District emails.
    Personal info and news comes from WhatsApp, private massages on FB, texts and phonecalls.

    Security is paramount ,of course, across all platforms (I have never had nasty stuff sent to me on anything) and maybe an explanation and 'how to' might help raise the engagement numbers.
    All my platforms have audible alerts that I have silenced but I have the visual alerts on to not miss out on,say, one of Simon's entertaining missives...

    If we don't have a sweeping array of comms avenues we don't have a maximum reach. Luckilly it doesn't take long to manipulate copy and post to most sites. The multiverse is not going away. Mutitasking has just expanded out into the information arena is all and if reticence is a natural state for some then so be it.

    I guess I'm just saying that it's horses for courses and effort does gain success in areas open to communication efforts. If people, towers or Associations are adverse to joining in then maybe a reverse psychology can be applied I.E. fear of missing out... but some ringers are intractable and nothing will make them 'up the portcullis'
    Is it really worth teeth knashing over these though?
  • AGM in Nottingham
    Does anyone know if can we book uni rooms yet
    I for one am grateful for the less expensive rooms. I have for many years supported and enthusiastically helped with aspects of ART's and CCCBR's events, don't get expenses and can't afford to travel too far as well as hotel costs.... age wise I'm not younger and for some there is a need for frugality in retirement too.
    The Premier Inn on site is perfectly situated btw.
  • PR Matters Day 2.0
    playing Devils advocate here ....

    Why is there still no International Ringing Day or International Day of Bells?
    If there was to be one, which day would it be? Stedman's birthday? St Georges Day? CCBR's inception or registration anniversary? a n other?

    Why do we not have a patron? who would it be? what would we do when they no longer represented our community? or is it too fraught with problems? How many charities have patrons to add visibility to their cause?

    Duck and cover......