
  • Costs of training to become a bell ringer
    but empowering and supporting people so they can get to the point where they can self-sustain in the long-term is I believe more important.John de Overa

    I am sure that the CC would welcome your ideas on how that might be achieved.
  • Costs of training to become a bell ringer
    as for "initiatives" "being progressed", good to hear it - are there any details available anywhere?John de Overa

    Yes, the 2022 CCCBR report. There are two workgroups focussed on young ringers, the V&L workgroup on leadership and training and PR on public relations and communication. Specific initiatives include the introduction of a new annual ringing course in the NorthEast, a new Ringing Centre in Northampton, a new mobile belfry first seen at the Ringing Roadshow last Sunday, ringing material added to the National Curriculum, and much more. This is in addition to anything the affiliated societies and ART are doing.
  • Costs of training to become a bell ringer
    You mentioned Simon Linford's 2030 plan, I don't think I've heard about that? In any case, as you say I don't think we have the luxury waiting until 2030 around here.John de Overa

    "2030" is to focus a November meeting of the CC Executive and Workgroup Leaders on "What we want ringing to look like in 2030" and produce a plan for how to get there. It doesn't mean do nothing until 2030 when some magical transformation will occur. It also doesn't mean that there aren't already initiatives being progressed.
  • problems with felstead
    @Stephen Beckingham and @oliver lee, could you both try again using the link I mentioned:

    or this shorter version works too:

    We are looking into why some of the other links don't work any more.
  • problems with felstead
    Try this link if it is still not working for you:
  • The Median Ringer
    Rather than a one off survey to get stats, a better answer would be to provide a database that is populated at any time using an online questionnaire, and which anyone could submit on behalf of a tower. Each submission would be dated, so change over time could be assessed by querying the database over different time intervals. It would still provide valuable data even while it is being gathered, and associations could be encouraged to populate data for towers for which there was no data, or hadn't had an updated entry recently.

    As a bonus, historic data from previous surveys at either local or national level could be input.
  • Ringing Forums - Your thoughts?
    ... or to the right when viewing lists of discussions.
  • Ringing Forums - Your thoughts?

    Just star the threads that you are interested in, and you will get notifications.
  • Ringing Forums - Your thoughts?
    If people add a photo of themselves it shows that, and it would be clearer that it is the poster rather than the topic. This is a software package and its configurability is limited.
  • Ringing Forums - Your thoughts?
    The likes system was turned off, because it generated a most liked poster list on the home page. I think that is a pity, as Likes provide a simple and concise way of expressing agreement with a particular post, or thanking someone for their contribution. It is also demonstrates engagement from a larger number of members than would necessarily post a comment.
  • Ringing Forums - Your thoughts?
    If you star a thread, you will get an email notification when there is a new comment on that thread.
  • Bristol Maximus calls
    If it helps, I have rung over 100 peals of Bristol Maximus since 1989, and I don't recall any of them using 10ths place calls.
  • Identifying Archaic Doubles Methods
    Nicholas, I am interested in this, particularly if it is possible to relate the names to those used today. Where this is possible, I can add an also known as on Complib. The spreadsheet can also be hosted on, which I am happy to help with. A few explanatory words would be good too.
  • Identifying Archaic Doubles Methods

    For Doubles variations check the variations library search here. A number of these names are listed, although it is often not possible to determine whether these correspond to what was rung in a historic performance.
  • CCCBR Methods Library Update

    The team revising the Framework for Method Ringing last year agreed with you, Stephen. Ringers have been ringing quarters and even peals on their own for practice for many years, and it is only during lockdown that people started to publish them on BellBoard as performances. A particular concern with the naming of new methods like this is that several members of a band planning a performance might ring a solo quarter of that method for practice on a simulator. In that situation it would be perverse for a practice quarter by one individual to be credited as the first performance in the method rather than the intended performance with an all human band. For this reason the revised Framework for Method Ringing contains a new clause under 5.E.1 Right to Name.

    g) The Performance was rung by an all-human Band.

    Consultation of this version 2 of the Framework was completed in July 2021 and it is currently waiting for the next meeting of the Central Council Executive to approve its implementation.

    The methods published this week were rung on a tower bell simulator in 2020/21 as part of Sue Marsden's Minor to Major Lockdown Challenge, which could be argued as a reasonable exception. While we will continue to accept methods named this way until the new Framework comes into force, we trust that ringers will respect the view of the exercise on this point.

    On the question of 6C2n) A Performance with only one ringer was witnessed by an umpire. It is deliberately not a requirement for a performance containing a new method to meet all the Performance Norms for it to be named. This is because it might prevent the first performance of an innovation in method ringing being recorded, as happened with the first performances of variable cover.
  • CCCBR Methods Library Update
    They aren't comments on the previous post though, and the thread would get increasingly long.
  • Ringing Forums - Your thoughts?
    If you bookmark a discusssion (by clicking the star), you should then receive notifications for every comment on that discussion (assuming you have that notification option ticked). You should also receive a notification for this comment, Simon, because I have mentioned you.
  • 41 atw minor - Abel version
    You can add any method or composition on Complib to your own private collection that you initially create specifically for use with Handbell Stadium. See Making Your Own Collection here.