
  • CCCBR digital archival policy?
    Both @John de Overa and @A J Barnfield have mentioned the software issue. I can remember putting up a paper about this thirty-odd years ago. Always include in the data set an ASCII (these days Unicode is probably OK) version of the text. For preference always use open software, closed proprietary software will lock you out, for instance prefer LibreOffice to Microsoft Word. Spreadsheets should have a comma-separated file dumped out. I'd also be very wary today of the temptation to "file and forget" in the cloud, you own the data but if the servers are inaccessible (bankruptcy, policy change ...) then your data is effectively lost.
  • Ringing Lite?
    I'm not sure if this should be a new thread, but it does come under "Ringing Lite". Diagrams I've seen of Ellacombe apparatus shows the hammers as lying flat under the bell and when raised ro perfromance position being inside the bell's mouth. Towers that don't have Ellacombe apparatus often have clock hammers which strike the outside of the sound bow. Now the question: can the latter be used for chiming? We don't have any Ellacombe apparatus, and are suffering from a slow decline in numbers (age, sickness, lack of recruits).