• Peal ringing opportunities
    This is the sort of thing territorial guilds and associations ought to be able to help with, putting people together who would like to ring specific things. May be a website to register your interests and find like minded souls in need of a band.
  • Ringing Lite?
    I learnt to ring on both tower and handbells at the same time. By the time I could handle a tower bell properly I could ring 1-2 to Plain bob minor. This taught me a great deal about the method so when I could handle my bell properly I knew why I was trying to dodge etc. I also found seeing when the treble was leading easy, and knowing where I passed the treble very helpful. I also knew more about the method than just the blue line.
    The main advantage was that we rang handbells several times a week, while tower bell practices were once a week.
    If you have a band who can follow up with handbells I have found it a good way to ring. It gives confidence and shows that method ringing is not too hard. We have taught several people to ring, and the people who found it easiest did not ring tower bells.
    Ringing all pairs to plain hunt or ringing three leads of plain bob is a great achievement that some people can manage in a couple of sessions. It can lift the spirits of those struggling with bell handling, and at least they know what to look for in the tower.
  • Communications (Internal)
    The same ringers who are interested in all the other posts and communications. We do not need to talk to you or me as we already show an interest. How do we attract the others?
  • Who has a Social Media Officer?
    There are several parts to this
    - We want people to be able and willing to talk to each other and as groups. The WhatsApp group used on the North West Course this year was ideal for both immediate notification of course matters and sharing details.
    - More general information that need the electronic equivalent of the tower notice board where people can go to look for things, the website perhaps
    - And a personal contact to let people know that there are items of interest to look at on the website

    it certainly is a concept that needs at last one dedicated person to deal with. The secretary writing letters had a much easier job.
  • Communications (Internal)
    Yes i agree the balance is about right, but unfortunately we havr the same ringers on here. How can we the others, or some of them, to know it exists and get them to at least read it?
  • Grandsire Triples - use of coursing order
    I have just discovered this article by Simon Gay on conducting Stedman


    Now all I need to do is understand it!