• "Tower Handbook" by John Harrison
    I also have a copy if things don't pan out with Stella's copy.
  • Card readers for tower donations etc
    Our church has a SumUp machine from https://sumup.co.uk/ (or Amazon). We have the 3G cellular version for £69. This doesn’t need WiFi or pairing to a mobile phone. Transactions are received via BACS into the church account with a transaction fee of around 1.2%. Definitely paid for itself many times over! Very well received and used for everything from weekly collection, raffle tickets and even Ukraine donations.
  • Height of sallies
    @Tim Farnham I had to laugh as I use exactly the same metric - nose height! I'm 5'10.

    @Ron Sambridge I set them with the bells down as it would he hazardous to adjust with the bell up. However I find that the sally is at the same height regardless of whether the bell is up or down.
  • Bell muffles for Remembrance Sunday, funerals etc
    Alison, We use this leather style. I find the key is to make them very tight. I wrap the top strap around four times with the second two wraps on top of the first two and pull it as tight as I can. Then below the ball the strap usually only goes around twice leaving a longish tail. I take lose end and feed it through underneath the strap making it tighter and then fold it over and feed it through again making it tighter still and getting rid of the lose end. See photo. rNtMln1.jpg