• favouristism and experienced ringers
    you're right I shouldn't feel concerned but I must admit I do feel somewhat jealous that our learner can ring inside to Cambridge major whereas I (having rung for almost 14 years since the age of nine) have never got asked (or even encouraged ) to learn it , I have tried asking our tower captain weather I can be accommodated but usually it's the same old excuse of "we don't have enough " or " maybe another time" which invariably never happens. I'm half tempted to leave this particular tower and move onto somewhere where my needs are catered for and interestingly quite a lot of my fellow ringers have expressed similar concerns, maybe that might be the only answer?
  • ringing on a heavy eight irregularly
    I have tried asking in the past but it's the same excuse of "oh the bells are too heavy" or "only when the right people turn up", ironically they did used to be a monthly "eight bell" practice long before I started ringing and I do know that ten years ago they could ring up to stedman triples so I think it's just a lack of interest ( coupled with a lot of learners!). however I am not going to give up and I think I might just try and give your strategy a go, I will let you know how I get on
  • old yorkshire and durham and newcastle annual reports
    hi lucy, yes quite a lot of places have done this but there is usually no indication of it on their website!. i'm after these two reports as I rang at durham on sunday whilst on a short break and on the way home we paid a visit to fylingdales ( as my late grandmother used to visit the area as a child), it's frustrating that there isn't a dedicated website for old reports but at the same time it's good to have physical copies as you can look at them whenever you want (and without having to be connected to wifi!)
  • lack of progress at local towers
    hi martin, yes that's a very good point, I live in harlow essex but I regularly ring at sawbridgeworth, much hadham, bishop's stortford and waltham abbey (which is on paper my home tower).
  • Peal ringing opportunities
    Hi Lucy, whilst there are some particularly strong quarter peal bands in my area there seems to be an all too massive gulf between those who ring surprise major and those who don’t, the vast majority of practices tend to cater for the former type of people but thankfully I do regularly ring with a band who are both inclusive and willing to help people progress in anyway they can. As a matter of fact I am going on a course to learn bob minor next week so already I think I’m well on my way to improving my method repertoire
  • problems with felstead
    does anyone have any contact details for andrew craddock?, apparently he's the one who
    runs the site.
  • bound copies of the ringing world
    hi Richard, yes this is exactly what I'm after, do you mind sending me your email address and also do you have any from 71,75 and 76?.
  • bound copies of the ringing world
    hi Alison, I do take an interest in the bell news but these are easily available online, I would be particularly interested to know which years this collector had as they are a few that I already have. my current copies are kept in my bedroom cupboard but hopefully I should be getting a shelf for them, are bound copies more easier to keep? as most my existing ones are in loose box folders.
  • Very old association report disposal.
    I am certainly very much in favour of digitalising reports and as a matter of fact this is something I have wanted to see happen for quite a while, not only will it make the historian's job a lot more easier when researching a particular tower or association but it might also help to foster an interest in people who regularly ring at these places.