The Median Ringer Having taken on the role of to chair the CCCBR Volunteering and Leadership (V&L) Workgroup on an interim basis until a new Workgroup leader is appointed, I have been following this discussion with interest. What has been said will feed into my thinking about how the stated activities of the V&L on the CCCBR website can be progressed. Please keep the contributions coming.
In addition to reading what’s on this forum and see what’s in the Ringing World, I also subscribe to the New Statesman, the following passage from this week’s edition stuck me as having parallels with the where we are with Median Ringers. In particular, the final clause.
“When Mr Johnson declared in his Tory conference speech last year that “We are not going back to the same broken model with low wages, low growth, low skills and low productivity”, his diagnostics of Britain’s economic defects was correct. But, as was the case under his predecessor, Theresa May, analysis has not been equalled by prescription.”
We have broad consensus on the problem; now we need answers.