A Job Description ... is needed for the "Employed Admin Assistant. Weekly hours of 16 to deal with enquires generated by recruitment hub" who will cost us £15,000 in 2030, which will be 41% of the total Council expenditure of £36,450.
It is, concurrently, both dominating and peripheral, and needs more justification and expanded detail before we commit to doubling our subscriptions for such a modest addition to available resources. — PeterScott
Ringing 2030 needs to overcome this inertia in order to move forward, and do this in sufficient time so that fewer bands fall below critical mass. — Roger Booth
These two quotes highlight the 'dammed if you do, dammed if you don’t' dilemma the CC has. Overcoming inertia requires brave leadership and decision making plus increased resource. More volunteers, doing more and being better directed is necessary but not sufficient. Funds need to be spent, albeit as wisely as possible. To be sustainable that means increased income.
To make best use of scarce volunteer resource, more routine tasks need to be taken away from them. Also, the CC role is rarely the only volunteer role that volunteers are doing. To avoid volunteer burnout, volunteers need to be nurtured and feel valued. Just because they are volunteers does not mean that standard HR hygiene factors can be ignored. And that means by all of us.
In my experience the effect of introducing people in assistant roles is that it initially slows progress. The effort of the existing knowledgeable people is diverted to defining work processes for the assistants and then training them up. Once assistants are trained, experience has to be gained in the level of supervision they need for different tasks. If assistant effort is to be shared then an understanding needs to evolve of how much support an individual volunteer can receive. Admin or any other type of Assistants are not short-term silver bullets, they are medium to long-term support infrastructure provision initiatives. So don’t expect quick payback and do expect mistakes to be made along the way. More detailed expenditure plans with supporting cost-benefit analysis are indeed needed. That in itself takes effort. Unless we are to wait till the limited volunteer Suitably Skilled and Qualified Personnel (SQEP) can do it, SQEP costing somewhat more than £100 per hour will be needed; never mind £15K a year. ‘Courage mes braves.’
There are no guarantees that any one specific measure will work; continuing to do the same things that sees ringing in increasingly more towers either endangered or extinct is guaranteed not to. “There is nothing that is more certain sign of insanity than to do the same thing over and over and expect the results to be different” ― Albert Einstein.
Paul Wotton, CCCBR Ringing 2030 Recruitment and Development Workgroup Lead (And yes, I too need to better direct my team. Always more to do!)