The future of peal ringing I've been more or less out of ringing for several years now - largely because moving to vairous relatively sparsely populated areas around the country produced only intermittent ringing, on small numbers of bells, and often, dare I say this, with bands not wishing to progress their abilities.
Now, I regret to say, though I am fairly keen to find some decent ringing, but not on small rings, and, generally, I favour peals - but not non-progressing practices ad nauseam. The idea produced is that ringing prowess is in such short supply that it is only in major locations that (a) advanced ringing can be contemplated, and (b) the product of advanced ringing can be relied upon to attract and 'raise' new people to put in the required effort. Too often, in local towers encountered in the past ~10 years, one has seen a status quo where an aspirant(!), even after a great deal of 1:1 teaching, can neither reliably know where their bell is in rounds, nor sustain its place in the sequence.
Many, of course, put in a great deal of time and effort trying to recruit new persons to ringing. This is nothing but laudable. Yet, the failure rate at most levels (in retention, as well as a reasonably useful upward sense of prowess) is high. Without stimulus from the existing band, there is little forward push for a new ringer to hone and advance their abilities.
I know this is 'doom and gloom', but I cannot see where, in the sort of locations I have mentioned, any progress can be made.