UNESCO status for bell ringing? https://dcms.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9MsgupKs6P9kxw2
I’m afraid I’m late joining this conversation however I agree that we shouldn’t ignore the potential opportunities inclusion could create & raising the cultural profile of bellringing may be extremely helpful in the future.
It should be a concern with dwindling numbers of ringers & also steeplekeepers, that the majority of members of the public, including church congregations have little appreciation of the art & science of bellringing & its long history. Their assumption is that the sound, to their ill tutored ear each Sunday, is the same each week understandably not being interested or appreciating the level of work entailed by ringers to learn a new method or to strike the bells perfectly particularly in Call Changes.
Recognition by UNESCO surely can’t be regarded as anything other than something positive providing us with an opportunity to change this perception & encourage new interest & band members?
It would be useful to hear if there is a strategy in place by the CC to pursue this.