Central Council less democratic? So I would say, Central Council, keep up your great work, but you need to do something that makes you visible (or maybe audible?) to every single ringer in the country! — Barbara Le Gallez
Short of plastering the Central Council logo over anything they've had a hand in organising, I'm not sure they'll have much of a way to do this.
I suspect that there are times that I only become aware of something that concerns me by catching a comment in the Ringing World or the Presidential Blog. Is there not some way of increasing the amount of information about the CCCBR's work that gets published, and providing it in, say a monthly summary on the website - a position statement, if you will? — Mike Shelley
Certainly, I think this would be an improvement on the annual reports (and might provide an incentive for us in the workgroups to stop procrastinating)...
Perhaps the problem lies with the quality and depth of the information that gets transmitted from the Guilds etc to their members. — Mike Shelley
That's one of the problems with having membership of the CC through the TAs. Could people point me in the direction of a report from this year's AGM which they have received from their territorial associations? The feeling I get from talking to people is that much of the comms from the CC get lost somewhere between the CC and the tower.
Perhaps a sort of "dating website" for ringing might help - "Middle aged overweight balding ringer looking for like minded soulmates with GSH, for weekly fun and Surprise Minor"? — John de Overa
Something which has been suggested to me from time to time has been a website of ringing events. You could have the territorials and non-territorials posting training sessions, socials and opening ringing; competitions; individual towers could even promote their practice nights if they think they have something good worth travelling for (e.g. good progression in method ringing). Maybe 1:1 tuition could be offered too. This would all be viewable on a map which you could filter based on type of event, difficulty level, distance from a postcode, cost, date and time, and number of places available. You could maybe set it up to send email alerts too. Could create a way for good associations to get the word out about their events, and provide a way to bypass territorials who are no longer up to scratch and provide people with the information they need to progress themselves.
Although I think the CC might say "we are here to organise; we can't be the do-ers as well". — Barbara Le Gallez
I think the issue is that the Central Council is... well... central. National initiatives like Dove, the Belfry Upkeep website, and innumerous others are out there in the wild being provided by the CC and are well-used by ringers globally. But implementing things locally takes things a bit beyond that, both in terms of remit and manpower. Some might accuse the CC of interfering...