• The Future of Ringing
    I wonder how charging might work. Might it be a levy on those who patronise a local tower they regard as their ringing 'home'? Would it be a levy on any ringer turning up 'on spec.' at any tower? Could such a levy be waived in the situation where a visiting ringer attends but finds the ringing standard rather low*, and leaves before the end?

    * - perhaps including the situation where a tower has a 'good' reputation, but on a particular day when the visitor attends on the basis of the reputation there are few ringers present who could uphold that reputation at that time?
  • Ringing in Holy Week - time to spring clean the tower, but what ringing for a funeral?
    A personal view, naturally, and I can't remember what 'we' used to do in various places, but I don't see any problem with ringing during that week.

    Recently, in a non-consecrated university chapel, I've tended for services to programme music from the renaissance period, as a kind of 'nod' towards high art, but that is a personal choice as DofM, rather than any tradition imposed on us. We do not have clergy.